Page 29 - Junior Explorer 6. Podręcznik
P. 29

Vocabulary                                            Grammar

         Nouns: luggage    •    one-way/return ticket           Past simple: be
                 passenger    •    passport    •    timetable

         Verbs:  arrive    •    leave    •    see off    •    stay  The boat     was comfortable.

          4    16   Complete the sentences with the words         Was       it
             in the box. Write the answers in your                                 big?
             notebook. Then listen, check and repeat.
             1  Your     is your travelling bags.               Yes,  it       was . / No,       it     wasn't .
             2 A      tells you what time a train, bus or tram

                leaves.                                         Past simple: regular verbs

             3 You need a      with your name and photo
                in it if you travel to another country.
             4 A      is somebody who is travelling on          We  played  cards all evening.

                a train, bus, boat or plane.

             5 When you       somewhere, you go away from       We    didn't      play  computer games.
                it, but when you    somewhere, you get

             6 You buy a      to go to a place, but you need     Did  you really  play  cards           ?
                a    if you want to come back.
             7  On holiday you can     in a hotel.               Yes, we    did    .  / No, we   didn't  .
             8 When you       somebody     , you say

                goodbye when they go on a trip.                 Past simple: irregular verbs

           Listen                                               I  left  after dinner.

          5    17   Listen to the recording. Choose the correct   I   didn't   leave  after lunch.
             picture based on what you hear.
          a               b                c                     Did  you really  leave  after dinner?


                                                                  Yes, I    did   .  / No, I   didn't   .

          a               b                c
        2                                                     6  Complete the sentences with the verbs in
                                                                  brackets. Write them in your notebook.
                                                                  1 The children     (arrive) at Grandma’s house

                                                                     an hour ago.
          a               b                c                      2      (Oliver / visit) you last weekend?
                                                                  3  Yesterday she     (be) at the station on time.

                                                                  4 The bags you had yesterday      (not be)
                                                                     very heavy.
                                                                  5      (you / see) his new boat when you
                                                                      visited him last month?
          a               b                c                      6  A:     (Jane / be) on the train with you
                                                                        2 hours ago?
                                                                     B: Yes, she     .
                                                                  7 We      (be) happy to meet Grandad at the

                                                                     station last Christmas.
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